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KAP Equities, LLC


Established in November 2002 for the acquisition, rehabilitation,   management, and disposition of real estate assets.

Completed Projects:

510 Rita,  Arlington, TX

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Date Acquired: March 2005 (50% Vacant)

Purchase Price: $263,000

Cost of Improvements Made: $5,000

Total Cost: $268,000

Date Sold: August 2006 (75% Leased/Occupied)

Sales Price: $297,500

Holding Period: 16 Months

% Gain Overall: 11%

% Gain on Equity Investment: 51%

5625-5627 Longview Street,  Dallas, TX

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Date Acquired: February 2004 (50% Vacant)

Purchase Price: $180,000

Cost of Improvements Made: $6,000

Total Cost: $186,000

Date Sold: June 2006 (100% Leased/Occupied)

Sales Price: $216,550

Holding Period: 28 Months

% Gain Overall: 16%

% Gain on Equity Investment: 204%

2010 Cranford Drive,  Garland, TX

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Date Acquired: April 2005 (100% Vacant)

Purchase Price: $215,000

Cost of Improvements Made: $8,000

Total Cost: $223,000

Date Sold: April 2006 (75% Leased/Occupied)

Sales Price: $255,000

Holding Period: 12 Months

% Gain Overall: 19%

% Gain on Equity Investment: 78%

7458-7460 Walling,  Dallas, TX (2 Units)

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Date Acquired: December 2002 (100% Vacant)

Purchase Price: $155,000

Cost of Improvements Made: $12,000

Total Cost: $167,000

Date Sold: October 2004 (100% Leased/Occupied)

Sales Price: $208,000

Holding Period: 22 Months

% Gain Overall: 25%

% Gain on Equity Investment: 93%

711 W. Sanford A&B, Arlington, Tx  (2 Units)

Date Acquired: November 2003 (50% Vacant)

Purchase Price: $130,000

Cost of Improvements Made: $6,000

Total Cost: $136,000

Date Sold: December 2005 (100% Leased/Occupied)

Sales Price: $161,000

 Holding Period: 25 Months

% Gain Overall: 18%

% Gain on Equity Investment: 69%

Current Projects:

1) 10836-10838 Marchant, Dallas, TX – 2 Units

Date Acquired: July 2004 (50% Vacant)

Current Status: 100% Occupied

Purchase Price: Available Upon Request To Investors.

Gross Monthly Income: $1,600


2) 711 Oakwood, Arlington, TX – 2 Units

Date Acquired: July 2003

Current Status: 100% Occupied

Purchase Price: Available Upon Request To Investors.

Gross Monthly Income: $1,250


3) 4624 Junius, Dallas, TX – 4 Units

Date Acquired: August 2007 (75% Occupied)

Current Status: 100% Occupied

Purchase Price: Available Upon Request To Investors.

Gross Monthly Income: $2,420


4) 4630 Junius, Dallas, TX – 4 Units

Date Acquired: August 2007 (75% Occupied)

Current Status: 100% Occupied

Purchase Price: Available Upon Request To Investors.

Gross Monthly Income: $2,640

For more pictures of individual properties click on the picture.

To contact us with questions or investment interest please select Investment Interest on left.

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To contact us with questions or investment interest please select Investment Interest on left.